Logo oficial de Mas Berag


The landscape of the Serres de Cardó el Boix is iconic of southern Catalonia


Located in the south of Catalonia, our farmhouse is in a diverse environment that embraces natural wealth. To the west, the mountains of the Cardo-Boix range offer a great view with pine-covered peaks and rosemary bushes.
A l’est, les platges de la Costa Daurada despleguen el seu encant amb aigües cristal·lines, oferint un refugi tranquil per relaxar-se amb el murmuri del mar. La costa del sud de Catalunya proporciona una experiència equilibrada entre aventura i descans.
In this picturesque corner, the farmhouse becomes a cozy enclave. Guests can immerse themselves in the unique duality of our environment, where the pristine nature of the mountains and the serenity of the sea intertwine, offering an unforgettable experience of peace, balance and culinary delights.
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